Since I’ve posted last, we’ve had a lot going on! We visited my hubby’s family in the Bay Area for the 4th of July. I’m really enjoying taking our road trips up there. As “convenient” everyone would claim flying would be compared to making the drive – I still prefer the car (unless it’s a super short trip!). Alex and I get to chat, blast music, look at the sights, stop at new places on the route, and just enjoy being together. If you factor in attempting to get to the airport, the cost of parking the car, and the cost of the plane tickets – we’re looking at a pretty even alternative in driving (cost-wise). And personally, I think it’s much less of a hassle to drive. There are no security points, lines to wait in, or shuttles involved! 
Now that my rant is over, let me share about our trip! It was muy enjoyable! We started our road trip off right, with Taco Bell… then hit the 101 and stayed there… for a while! (With a stop at the Madonna Inn, of course!)
Did I mention I love road Trips with my hubby? We made it up there pretty late, so after a quick visit, we hit the hay. The next day was the 4th of July and we needed our beauty rest! We left at 11am the next day to attend an Oakland A’s game! My first ever!! If you knew the family I married into, you would be saying “it’s about time!” We had a lot of fun, even though we were drenched in sweat from sitting in direct sunlight the whole time!
We spent the rest of the day relaxing and then enjoyed some neighborhood fireworks that evening (excuse the poor picture quality, they were very pretty!)
We spent a lot of time with family and friends over the next couple days which was so nice! One of the days, we were even able to sneak away for a date day too! We soooo enjoyed eating out at a Greek restaurant in Los Gatos called Opa! It was seriously amazing. We browsed around the local shops and Alex bought me some new O.P.I. nail polish (yes please!) and we enjoyed each others company
We made it home safe and sound and began the moving process not to long after that! But that’s a whole different post in itself 
I’ve really enjoyed this summer so far. God is making his blessings so evident to us in every way possible. Things are busy, but that’s a GOOD thing!! We have to remind each other that it’s way better to be busy, than have nothing to do at all.
I realize this post is mostly pictures, but I’m playing catch up! Stay tuned for a post about our new apartment and what’s been going on in out lives!
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