It’s been a crazy, crazy past few weeks!! With transitioning apartments, getting a kitten, AND school starting, we’ve definitely had our hands full.
Since we moved, it’s felt like a slow process to find a place for everything… I can’t believe how much STUFF we have accumulated since we got married!! Thankfully, it’s really feeling put together now. About a week ago, we welcomed a new family member, miss Dolly!
Her name sprung from my suggestion that we name her Dahlia, after the flower (as it was the variety of flower that my husband wore as a boutonniere on our wedding day). She has fit right in and we love her so much! Her hyperactivity is keeping us more active at home, which is a good thing.
See Dahlia below!
We’ve been overwhelmed with blessings and friends and love the past couple months. This was the very first summer we’ve ever spent together in almost 5 years of being together! We had to remind ourselves not to take it for granted, it was a much welcomed first!
Now that school is back in session, Alex is about to get VERY busy (classes, thesis experimentation/work, two part time jobs, AND being a graduate assistant/coach for the debate team – kind of busy)!! I want to do my best to support him through this last year of grad school, and definitely be understanding of the level of stress he will be under at certain times! We can definitely see the light at the end of this crazy tunnel though! Only 9 months from now, he will have his M.A.
God is so good!
Lately I’m really learning how much our environment can affect us. When our home is messy, unorganized and unkempt, I feel so much more anxiety, and apathy at the same time. The messier it gets, the less energy I feel to get up and get with it. Right now, after a weekend of working hard with my hubby, our place is very neat and tidy (and everything is in its place!!). It actually makes me excited to go home. I know that once I am home, all the dishes are clean for cooking, and the clutter won’t get in the way of relaxing after dinner. It takes work and commitment, but I think that moving into this school year it is important for Alex and I to buckle down and work hard to keep out apartment well organized and a safe haven for us to come home to.
School has also started for me! Not in the same way as Alex, though. Since I work at the school, it’s making work a lot busier! I personally think this is a great thing! I like being busier, it makes the day go by more quickly, and I can get home to my hubby!
I feel like I am a little scatter brained – and this post isn’t really about any “one” category or event, but just a little update about what’s been on my mind lately. I hope that’s okay 
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