Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hectic Shmectic

There has been so much going on the last month or so that I haven’t even thought about blogging! When I look back at the month, though, I realize there were probably plenty of snippets of time that I could have blogged, or even read a book, or listened to a new song. But I chose to spend that time relaxing with my hubby and hanging out with new friends. Don’t judge me! ;)

I realized when I first moved here (OVER a year ago!! Yeah you heard me… It’s been a YEAR!), that making friends has become more of a challenge the older I have gotten. I was so focused on the job hunt and making sure that life would be semi-comfortable when Alex and I got married and settled in, that forming bonds with people sunk to the bottom of the list. Sure, I met people at our new church and even got closer to some of the ladies there in a mentor/mentee kind of way, which has been a huge blessing. But I wasn’t making any friends that were in the same stage of life, the kind you call up when your hubby is in night class to come over and watch a chick flick.

After our wedding and as time went by, both Alex and I realized that although we knew a lot of people, we weren't making those “life” friends that we felt like we had in college (and still have! Their just spread out all over the U.S. at the moment….). We took comfort in the blessed fact that we have each other, as mushy as it sounds.

The realization that we need not be discontent with our friend situation came with the big awareness that Christ is enough, and having each other is enough. It was just another one of those humbling experiences that I think God revealed to both of us that He has perfect timing and that maybe we needed that first year to really feel his presence and provision in our lives before things got hectic.

But God, with His perfect timing in mind, brought us some amazing friends that made us realize it’s NOT that hard to make new friends when it’s really “meant to be.” It’s actually quite easy. So easy, you don’t even realize that it’s happening.  We are forming relationships left and right with couples in the same stage of life as us and it’s so encouraging to live life alongside these amazing people.

God is seriously providing just what we needed and definitely taught us peace in the process. The relationships we are forming are encouraging and fun and we are really excited for what’s next!

Over the last month, Alex and I have been keeping busy! With weddings to go to, beach days, and visits from my parents, we haven’t had a dull weekend in months. And that is a huge blessing! About a month ago exactly, we were so blessed to witness the marriage of two of our dear friends from college. The wedding was STUNNING and the bride and groom were absolutely glowing. Alex and I enjoyed the romantic atmosphere and danced silly on the dance floor while soaking up the summer air under the twinkly lights. It was beautiful.



We went on a double date with my coworker and her husband a few weeks ago and realized “these people are pretty cool!” They moved here from Oklahoma a year ago and are tackling this big place just the same as we are. We had so much fun seeing The Great Gatsby and eating Johnny Rockets with them that we decided to do a beach day with them a couple weekends later!

My parents were visiting us last weekend and it was so nice to have them here. I didn’t want them to go home. We came to Pepperdine and gave them the grand tour of where I work, and where Alex goes to school. It’s always nice to get a visual of what you talk about so often so I knew they would enjoy it… plus,  you can’t really complain about the views at Pepperdine!

We had a few really good dinners out with them and we discovered a gem of a restaurant called The Fish Lure, and it was AMAZING! Alex and I will definitely be going back there for dates… again and again, even if we have to wait for a table ;)

My mama and I broke away and got some Gelato at this wonderful little place down the street on Saturday afternoon...

and we also went to some garage sales with my parents too, and Alex and I found an area rug for a GREAT deal that will be perfect for our new apartment! Oh yeah, did I mention we are moving this month?? We found a condo in our same complex that will be a perfect fit for us this next year!  We will always cherish the memories we have made in our very first home together, it’s been an amazing year. God certainly provides!!

Alex and I walked over to the Frozen Yogurt place that we are NOW going to take every person that visits us. It's a glorious place full of candy and treats and frozen yogurt, ice cream and gifts, and bath salts and hot sauce.. you heard me! You could easily walk around this place for an hour or two just looking at all of the things they have, and it's right across the street from us!... Please excuse our (my) tired look, it had been a long, but exciting weekend! I was pooped :)

Tonight, we are driving to San Jose to visit Alex’s family for the 4th of July! Like I said, no dull weekends for us. We will make the drive after work and make it a night trip. We’re super excited for that too! I’ll be sure to post about it once we’re home. I get to go to my first Oakland A’s game! If you don’t know, this is very exciting for me since I married into a family that’s all about the A’s!

*So I also gave my blog a makeover… it’s all homemade, so I’m a little bit proud of it. Any thoughts??*

Final thought, I hope you all find as much encouragement (and motivation) from this passage as I am today:

Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
Praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
Praise him according to his excellent greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
Praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
Praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
Praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Praise the Lord!

Psalm 150

That sounds like one loud, awesome worship party, doesn't it? 
‘til next time :)
